"Face the music"不是“面对音乐”!真正的意思你绝对想不到_嘉艺流行音乐_流行音乐歌词大全

zxmhctzxmhct 热点资讯 2024-03-23 21:48:40

  “Music”是生活的调剂品,没有“music”的生活是有所缺失的。然而,“Face the music”却不是大家想象中的“面对音乐”。这个说法跟音乐并没有什么关系,表达的意思是:“承担后果”,面对现实或者处理一些现实状况,接受所有的结果,不管是好是坏。但大多数情况下都是不太好的结果。有时候,也用来表示接受惩罚,接受某个行为带来的直接后果。   这个短语来源于剧场。演员们在舞台上表演时,就直接面对着乐池中的乐队,在舞台上,演员经常会由于紧张或怯场而造成忘词等尴尬的局面,只要音乐一响,演员就没有任何选择的余地,只能去face the music(必须承受出现的局面)。人们遂用face the music指承担自己行为的后果。   Marin Alsop, the artistic director of the Sao Paulo Symphony Orchestra, will appear at the Hong Kong Arts Festival on Thursday. [Photo provided to China Daily]   Don't escape, you should face the music when you did something wrong.   别逃避,做了错事就要勇于承担后果。   After failing a math test, Tom had to go home and face the music.   数学考试挂掉了,Tom不得不回家接受惩罚。   He’s been cheating us out of our money for years, and now it’s time for him to face the music.   他骗我们钱骗了这么小龙虾多年,是时候让他接受惩处了。   Mary broke a dining-room window, and had to face the music when her father got home.   马丽打碎了餐厅的窗户,爸爸回家肯定会惩罚她。   再比如:双十一很多人都肆意地剁手,现在吃咸菜还借呗花呗的日子是自己造成的。   He's squandered his money, and now he's got to face the music.   他把钱挥霍光了,现在得承担自己行为的后果。   A file photo of the Sao Paulo State Symphony Orchestra. The symphony will give its debut performance in China at Shanghai Grand Theatre on Feb 14. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]   生活中总是少不了音乐,今天也给大家介绍下关于音乐的一些习语。   1 - sing off key唱歌跑调   例句:   Don't butcher that song by singing off key.   别唱走调而糟蹋了那首歌。   2 - carry a tune唱得准   例句:   Neither of my brothers can carry a tune, but my sister is a good singer.   我的兄弟们唱歌都不成调,但我妹妹唱歌唱得很好。   3 - sing along跟着别人一起唱   例句:   The radio station played a Billy Joel song, and I found myself singing along to it.   电台在播放一首比利小龙虾?乔尔的歌,我发觉自己也跟着一起唱了起来。   4 - sing the high notes飙高音   例句:   The tenor sang the high notes with ease.   这个男高音歌手高音唱得很自如。   5 - (as) clear as a bell(声音)像钟声一样清晰洪亮   例句:   Clear as a bell, from the back of the theatre came a child's voice saying, "I want to go home".   从戏院的后面传来一个小孩清脆响亮的声音:“我要回家。”   6 - ring a bell听起来耳熟   例句:   The name rang a bell but I couldn't remember where I had heard it before.   这个名字听着很熟,但是我记不起来以前在哪儿听到过。   The Suzhou Symphony Orchestra presents a Chinese New Year concert at United Nations headquarters in New York on Friday. LI MUZI / XINHUA   7 - change your tune改变论调   例句:小龙虾   He was against the idea to start with, but he soon changed his tune when he realized how much money he'd get.   一开始他反对这个主意,可是等他意识到自己能赚到那么多钱时就立刻改变了态度。   8 - and all that jazz以及诸如此类   例句:   They sell televisions and radios and 小龙虾all that jazz.   他们经销电视、收音机之类的商品。   9 - for a song非常便宜地   例句:   She bought the bed for a song at an auction.   她在一次拍卖会上以非常便宜的价格买下了这张床。   10 - elevator music公共场合播放的音乐   例句:   Apart from finding shopping malls boring, Keith finds the elevator music that is played particularly irritating.   除了觉得购物商场无聊之外,基斯还觉得公共场合播放的音乐特别烦人。   11 - be music to sb's ears(对某人)是悦耳的声音   例句:   The sound of her key in the lock was music to my ears.   她的钥匙转动门锁的声音对我来说就是悦耳的音乐。   12 - Jam session即兴音乐   例句:   After dinner, Tom and Harry got their guitars out and started a jam session. It was wonderful.   晚餐之后,汤姆和哈里拿小龙虾 出了吉他,即兴演奏了一段。真是太棒了。   (来源:英语四六级备考 编辑:yaning)   来源:英语四六级备考
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